Minnovations Code of Conduct is the compass that helps us translate our values into actions
Minnovations Code of Conduct is a framework for putting Minnovations core values – responsibility, excellence and respect – into practice. The Code is the companies foremost steering document in terms of sustainability and constitutes, together with Minnovaitions Sustainability Policy, the basis of Minnovations sustainability agenda. The Code, which is adopted by the Board of Directors, details the guidelines for business ethics, health and safety, employee relations, respecting human rights, the environment and society which every employee is to follow. The Code was adopted in 2022 and is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Core Conventions, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.
Efforts to promote sound business practices, good working conditions and wellbeing all originate from the Code, but this is not where they end. To follow through on these efforts, we analyze risks, train employees, and evaluate our own plants and those of our suppliers.
A values based culture is one of the focus areas of Minnovations sustainability agenda, with knowledge and understanding of the Code of Conduct being one of the objectives. Minnoavtion has none tolerance for all forms of unethical business practices. Our Minnovation´s Supplier Standard is to be used to drive shared values and priorities throughout the supply chain. It contains principles that include business ethics, relationships to employees, respect for human rights and the environment. The Code is a tool to transform Minnovations core values – of responsibility, excellence, and respect – into action.
Follow-up of the implementation of the Code of Conduct is carried out at all Minnoavtion units by Minnovation´s internal audit function, which reports directly to the Board’s Audit Committee.
We have a responsibility for each other, future generations and nature. We are also responsible for ensuring that we all feel safe and secure at work and that we are given opportunities to develop. When we assume responsibility, learn more and have fun, we do a better job.
We always strive to exceed expectations, by improving ourselves, our products and our services in order to create a sustainably profitable and renewable future.
Respect for our colleagues, customers and business partners is a given. Treating people as equals and showing mutual respect fosters cooperation and allows us to develop – as people and as a company.